Internetworking Basics


    Internetworking Basics

    This unit maps to Cisco CCNA Semester 1

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    Learning Activities


    Key Skills


    Introduction to Networking

    Chapter 1

    Unit overview - the combined BTEC/Cisco offer. Introduction to networking: Network interface cards, ipconfig.
    Connect to the Internet. Using ping. Math, bits, bytes, ASCII

    ~ Lab: configuring a network card ~
    ~ Lab: testing network card connectivity~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 1a: Basics ~

    C3 contribute to a discussion
    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution
    LP3 practical work


    Introduction to Networking


    Math.  Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal conversions.
    Logical operations
    IP addresses and subnet masks.

    ~ Lab: Math exercises ~
    ~ Lab:
    IP address and subnet mask problems ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 1b ~

    N3. use formulae, carry out calculations, interpret results
    LP3 practical work .


    Networking Fundamentals

    Chapter 2

    LANs, WANs, MANs, SANs. Topologies. Intro to OSI and TCP/IP model.
    Network devices, repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, routers, new devices, wireless. Firewalls and VPN

    ~Lab: drawings and mini-quiz produced by students on topologies and devices ~
    ~Lab: map devices to OSI layers on drawings ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 2a & 2b ~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    IT3: plan, select, use sources of info, explore and, develop info, present info


    Networking Media

    Chapter 3

    Electricity basics. Copper media: coaxial, STP, UTP.
    Fiber-optic cables and relection, refraction, incidence. Modes.
    Wireless communication and security.
    Signals and noise.

    ~Lab: identifying media and connectors ~
    ~Lab: create wire map drawings ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 3a & 3b ~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    Cable Testing

    Chapter 4

    Signals and noise on copper media. Cable testing standards. Wire maps. Straight and crossover cables.

    ~ Lab: crossover cable activity~
    ~ Lab: create simple 2 PC network~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 4a & 4b ~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    Cabling the LAN and WAN

    Chapter 5

    Ethernet media and connectors. Peer-peer and client/server networks.
    Cables and connectiosn devices repeater, hubs, bridges, switches. WAN serial connections. Routers, ISDN, DSL, cable modem.

    ~ Lab: straight-through cable activity~
    ~ Lab:
    create a hub based network ~
    ~ Lab: create rollover cable, connect to router~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 5a & 5b ~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work



    Ethernet Fundamentals

    Chapter 6

    OSI and the data-link sublayers: LLC, MAC. Ethernet frames.
    Collisions, errors, Ethernet timing.
    Half and full-duplex.

    ~ Lab: troubleshooting. ~ ~Lab: packet sniffing and ethernet frames ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 6a & 6b~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    Ethernet Technologies

    Chapter 7

    The different versions of Ethernet, legacy, fast, gigabit, 10G.
    Encoding methods. NRZ, Manchester and 4D-PAM5

    ~ Lab: encoding methods ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 7a & 7b~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution. .
    LP3 practical work


    Ethernet Switching

    Chapter 8

    Hand out Case Study

    Collision domains, broadcast domains. Bridges, switches, microsegmentation and full-duplex.
    Switch modes.
    Spanning tree protocol

    ~Lab: create & document switch based network ~
    ~ Lab: fixed modes and autonegotiation ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 8a & 8b~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    TCP/IP & IP Addressing

    Chapter 9

    IP addressing. IP address classes. Reserved IP addresses . Subnetting. IPv4, IPv6. IP address hierarchy . ARP and RARP. Bootp and DHCP

    ~ Lab: ARP and DNS sniffing~
    ~ Lab: setup a DHCP client~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 9b~

    N3. use formulae, carry out calculations, interpret results
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work 


    Routing Fundamentals and Subnets

    Chapter 10

    Routers, routing tables and routing protocols.
    Routers and IP packets. IP packet structure.
    Subnetting in detail

    ~ Lab: design an IP and subnet addressing scheme ~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 10a & 10b~

    N3. use formulae, carry out calculations, interpret results
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    Transport and Apllication Layer

    Chapter 11

    Transport layer. Flow control, handshaking. Transport layer protocols.
    UDP and TCP. Conversations and ports.
    Application layer protocols

    ~ Lab: exploring handshaking~
    ~ Lab:
    exploring ports ~
    ~ Lab: telnet activity~
    Q/A on technical terms
    ~ Quiz 11a & 11b~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    Subnetting Revision

    Chapter 10

    Further subnetting problems. CIDR and masks. Borrowing bits. Techniques for solving subnetting questions.

    ~ Lab: techniques for solving subnetting problems ~
    ~ Lab: Create own subnet~
    Q/A and flashcards on technical terms/understanding
    ~ Quiz 10c~

    N3. use formulae, carry out calculations, interpret results
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work


    Revision Week All Chapters

    Chapter 11

    Summarize all 11 chapters. Focus most difficult topics. Cover subnetting again.

    Lecture: Students to vote on which topics they wants a refresher on
    ~ Q/A and flashcards on technical terms
    ~ Learner to choose Quiz~

    WO3 plan, cooperate, review work with others
    PS3. explore, plan, implement a problem solution, check solution.
    LP3 practical work

    Christmas Break


    Skills Practical Test

    Carry out practical skills tests

    Paper based activity: design work
    Hands-on activity: cabling implementation and troubleshooting

    IT3: plan, select, use sources of info, explore and, develop info, present info
    C3 write a doucment about a subject


    Practice and Final Tests

    Case Study Deadline

    Complete end of unit tests. Practice tests on Wed, Final on Fri.

    The Final Cisco Test counts towards the BTEC portfolio of work and final grades. The case study, skills practical and make up the rest.

    LP3: evaluate own progress, take and review tests


    Portfolio Arrangement. Resits

    Portfolio arrangement & checks. Include case study, skills practical and final test score. Resit final test if necessary.

    The end of unit test is an assessment test that counts towards portfolio of work and final grades
    The lab activities, case study, skills practical and tests together make up the portfolio of work

    LP3: evaluate own progress, take and review tests

    Key Skills Mapping:

    Communicating - C3.1a Contributing to a group discussion. C3.1b Giving a presentation. C3.2 Read & synthesise information. C3.3 Write two different documents

    Application of Number - N3.1 Plan & interpret information. N3.2 Carry out calculations. N3.3 Interpret & present results

    Information Technology - IT3.1 Plan how to obtain & use info sources. IT3.2 Explore, develop, exchange info & derive new info. IT3.3 Different presentations given - effective format & style


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