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BTEC-Cisco Wide Area Networking


    Assessment and Grading

How will I be assessed?

Assessment will be by means of a activities, case studies, tests and assignment work collected into a portfolio of work. The class activities and assignments are designed to cover the grading criteria for the unit. 

This means that you should attend all classes unless you have a VALID reason for not attending. 


How will I be graded?

To achieve a pass learners must be able to work with advanced IP addressing techniques such as NAT, PAT and DHCP and to understand the need for these technologies. They should have the practical skills required to set up and test NAT and PAT and DHCP servers and clients. They should understand and be able to release and renew DHCP leases. They should be able to configure and test a current industry standard WAN protocol. They should have some understanding of the available WAN protocols and their relative merits and uses. They should have a good grasp of networking terminology and concepts.


To achieve a merit learners must be able to describe advanced IP addressing techniques. They should be able to troubleshoot WAN connection problems and log the procedure and the solution/s adopted. Learners should be able to compare WAN link authentication procedures such as PAP and CHAP and describe ISDN devices and their connection and configuration. They should be able to describe Frame Relay and techniques for its connection and configuration.


To achieve a distinction learners must be able to compare WAN protocols and evaluate their usefulness in a range of small office/home office environments. They will be able to demonstrate WAN design and documentation skills and evaluate the design within a scenario such as the interconnection of a group of schools or small businesses. They will be able to make correct and appropriate use of networking terminology.


Grading Criteria

The table below shows the grading criteria.  A printer friendly version is available

Grading Criteria
To achieve a pass your work must show:
To achieve a merit your work must show:
To achieve a distinction your work must show:

P1. list key reasons for upgrading from IPv4 to IPv6

P2. describe network and port address translation

P3. configure basic NAT and PAT operation

P4. configure a DHCP server and set up clients to use DHCP

P5. list WAN protocols and state situations where their use is appropriate

P6. configure and test industry standard or de-facto standard WAN protocol/s eg (PPP, ADSL, ISDN, DDR or Frame Relay).

M1. describe IP address scaling and methods for reusing the same IP addresses

M2. troubleshoot WAN connection problems and log the procedure and the solution/s adopted

M3. describe ISDN devices and their connection and configuration

M4. describe Frame Relay and techniques for its connection and configuration..

D1. compare WAN protocols and evaluate their
usefulness for connectivity between small and
larger organisations

D2. carry out and document WAN design/case study
work within a scenario such as the interconnection of a group of schools or businesses and evaluate the design/s.



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