To achieve a pass your work must show: |
To achieve a merit your work must show: |
To achieve a distinction your work must show: |
P1 . list key reasons for upgrading from IPv4 to IPv6
P2 . describe network and port address translation
P3 . configure basic NAT and PAT operation
P4 . configure a DHCP server and set up clients to
use DHCP
P5 . list WAN protocols and state situations where
their use is appropriate
P6 . configure and test industry standard or de-facto
standard WAN protocol/s eg (PPP, ADSL,
ISDN, DDR or Frame Relay).
M1 . describe IP address scaling and methods for reusing
the same IP addresses
M2 . troubleshoot WAN connection problems and
log the procedure and the solution/s adopted
M3 . describe ISDN devices and their connection and
M4 . describe Frame Relay and techniques for its
connection and configuration..
D1 . compare WAN protocols and evaluate their
usefulness for connectivity between small and
larger organisations
D2 . carry out and document WAN design/case study
work within a scenario such as the
interconnection of a group of schools or
businesses and evaluate the design/s.